Tidewater Children's Associates in Chesapeake

Information card of Establishment and doctor "Tidewater Children's Associates in Chesapeake" at 601 Innovation Drive, Chesapeake, VA 23320. Here you will find information about the company, its address and phone number, work hours and customer testimonials.


Phone number:
+1 757-668-2650

601 Innovation Drive, Chesapeake, VA 23320
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  • Kayla Spurlock
    Jan, 23 2018
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    We've been with TCA for just over 5 years and I LOVE it! The entire office goes above and beyond to make both parent and child happy. There have been numerous occasions where I've called the nurse line with a question or problem and they are quick to respond and very informative. They've ALWAYS called me back the next day to check on whichever child I called in about! That speaks VOLUMES in my book! Their doctors are incredible (Monica Baker is my favorite). Just an example of how much they value their patient relationships: my daughter was given a book at her 15 month check up (they always give books at well baby check ups and I LOVE that), she became OBSESSED with that book. We brought it to my son's check up last week and I believe we left it there because we can no longer find it at home. I called the office in desperation hoping they wouldn't mind looking for it. They returned my call stating they weren't able to find it but they had an extra copy of that book and will give it to my daughter! If I could give them 10 stars, I would! I LOVE this office!
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